Paul & Robert Dorsey

Paul & Robert Dorsey

Paul Dorsey (left) has been playing recorder for 4 decades. He founded and directed the Salt lake Early Music Ensemble in the 1980s. Over the years, he has directed University early music ensembles, provided music for plays and performed regularly. He studied with Bernard Krainis. He currently mentors his son Robert on recorder.

Robert Dorsey (right) is just 14 years old. He started playing recorder with his father in 3rd grade. He tied for first in Pifarro recorder competition in 2017. He is currently playing in the “Ill Tempered Clavichord” ensemble along with his father Paul Dorsey and Debra Biderman (all playing in this concert).

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Grant funding has been provided by the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Through a Grant from the Middlesex County Cultural and Arts Trust Fund.