Highland Park 2020-2021 Seminar Series in Early Music Performance
The Board of the Highland Park Recorder Society is thrilled to announce that at their September 2, 2020 Board meeting they decided enthusiastically and unanimously to engage the dynamic Lewis Baratz, Music Director of the successful and famed early music ensemble La Fiocco, to be the Music Director of the Highland Park Recorder Society for the year 2020-2021.
Lewis Baratz has performed on recorder and harpsichord with the Academy of
Sacred Drama, Bethlehem Baroque, The Queens Consort, MidAtlantic Opera Company,
Voices Chorale, Vox Ama Deus, and La Fiocco, the period instrument ensemble
that he founded in 2010.
More information about Lewis Baratz
Date | Topic | Guest artists |
October 12 | Recorder and Early Music Performance Boot Camp | Donna Messer, recorder |
November 9 | Articulation and More Articulation | Amy Herbitter, recorder |
December 14 | Diego Ortiz, Jacob van Eyck, and the Art of Variation | Christopher Armijo, recorder |
January 11 | Playing 17th-century Italian Music | Benjamin T. Berman, harpsichord |
February 8 | Ornamenting the Late Baroque Sonata | Agnes Simkins, Baroque violin |
March 8 | Playing Telemann’s Solo Flute/Recorder Fantasies | Jill Crawford, Baroque flute |
April 12 | Playing Renaissance Two-part Music | |
May 10 | Intro to French Baroque Music | Sarah Davol, Baroque oboe |
June 14 | English Division Music around 1700 | Lea Karpman, violin and Matt Weinman, lute |
We welcome all who are interested in Early Music - Players of recorders, strings, keyboards and other instruments. Discussions will be geared to all participants. All levels welcome!
Policy Statement
As an arts group, it is our policy and intention to be as inclusionary as possible, and we will make every effort to ensure that we can serve persons with disabilities.
About Lewis Baratz
Lewis Baratz has performed on recorder and harpsichord with the Academy of
Sacred Drama, Bethlehem Baroque, The Queens Consort, MidAtlantic Opera Company,
Voices Chorale, Vox Ama Deus, and La Fiocco, the period instrument ensemble
that he founded in 2010. Lewis was the first person to earn the Ph.D. in
musicology with a concentration in historical performance practice at Case
Western Reserve University. As a music historian, he has authored critical
editions and over 20 articles on a wide range of topics, including 15th-century
dance music, 17th-century keyboard music, biographical, archival, and
manuscript studies, basso continuo, the choirboys of the Brussels Collegiate
Church c. 1550 to 1793, and numerous entries in the New Grove Dictionary of
Music. He was a Fulbright Scholar and Fellow of the Belgian American
Educational Foundation. Lewis taught at Seton Hall University and Mercer County
Community College, and currently teaches piano, harpsichord and recorder, and
directs the chamber orchestra at Lafayette College. He served on the boards of
Early Music America, the Academy of Sacred Drama, and the Arts and Cultural
Council of Bucks County. He developed and hosted the syndicated radio show,
“Well Tempered Baroque” for three years.