"Hits and Highlights of 7 Centuries" Early Music Concert
March 18, 2017, at 8:00 P.M. we are celebrating our 30th anniversary with a concert of Hits and Highlights of 7 Centuries: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Sephardic Music, and the world premiere of a Concerto Grosso by John Franek, at the United Methodist Church, 323 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ.
We are envisioning the performance of this music as part of a program in March, which the American Recorder Society (ARS) designates Play-the-Recorder Month, and which Early Music America (EMA) designates Early Music Month. The Society is participating in the world-wide effort to enhance public awareness of the variety and beauty of the sounds of the recorder and early music.
Saturday, March 18, 2017, the American Recorder Society has designated Recorder Day. It is the day they have chosen for recorder groups around the world to perform recorders in a great variety of public spaces and venues. We plan to perform their especially commissioned piece on that day as part of this concert.
If you are interested in performing with us in the program of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Sephardic Music, and two especially commissioned pieces, please know that the Highland Park Recorder Ensemble rehearses Sundays from 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. at the home of Donna Messer, 431 Lincoln Ave., Highland Park, NJ 08904. Please know that you are welcome to come and try this out.
We are looking for players of baroque strings, violin, viola, and bass viol, for the commissioned concerto grosso, and they may play in other parts of the program. If you play any of these or if you know someone who might like this opportunity to rehearse regularly and perform, please share this information with them and invite them to contact me.