Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll

The Highland Park Recorder Society is transitioning to a new website.

In the old days, the HPRS had a website that was made in basic HTML. It was crude and ugly, as websites were in the early days of the Internet, but it got the job done. A few years ago, we attempted to transition to WordPress, however, the transition was never completed. The navigation was never fully completed. There were a lot of broken links. A lot of information from the old website was never put on the new site.

Our WordPress based site has been neglected for some time now, and has degraded to a point where it is unmaintainable. We have weighed our options and have decided to start over again with a brand new website.

The new HPRS website is powered by Jekyll, and uses the Feeling Responsive theme. Our new website is still a work in progress, so please bear with us as we continue to migrate content over and tweak things here and there.

Grant funding has been provided by the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Through a Grant from the Middlesex County Cultural and Arts Trust Fund.