COVID-19 Update 2

Rehearsals are currently cancelled through June out of concern for the health and well-being of our members. We will provide other updates in the coming weeks and months so please check back with our website.

In view of the coronavirus pandemic, the Highland Park Recorder Society (HPRS) and Collegium Musicum (CM) are in the process of modifying our artistic collaboration project, and heavily researching the process of live-streaming. We are following the advice being updated daily on the websites of the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.

We have been working with the Middlesex County Office of Arts and History, to modify our April project and re-purpose the grant award. We have just received their approval for alternative programming, which would be to present a series of live-streamed online performances of great early music for small groups and soloists with lecture components. We don’t yet know the plan for the June concert, but if we cannot meet we will continue with this format.

The live-streaming online (Facebook and YouTube) will be done in a church with wonderful acoustics, handled by a professional live-streaming company, and recorded by multiple cameras that will be managed remotely. We will offer a series of early music performances for solo violin, solo cello, solo harpsichord, and so forth, or possibly duets or trios or quartets with people seated six feet apart.

Through live-streaming great early music with top artists, we will further our mission of enhancing public awareness of the riches and beauty of early music. We will present some of the finest music by composers from the Renaissance and Baroque eras, featuring wonderful artists who will bring their music to life to lift our spirits!

For more details on the programs and schedule, check our web site weekly.

Grant funding has been provided by the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Through a Grant from the Middlesex County Cultural and Arts Trust Fund.